Community Innovation Fund (CIF) Project
Too Good to be Trub
Applicant type
Farm and Brewery
Waste Action
Funds Used For
5-gallon buckets
1,560 to 5,200 gallons of trube diverted and used as beneficial compost each year (awaiting confirmation of current status)

Fields Farm and Spider City Brewing
Project Details
Fields Farm used the Community Innovation Fund in 2022 to purchase 5-gallon buckets which it then used to divert trub from Spider City Brewing and use as compost or mulch.
Here is some more information on how they accomplished this:
Idea: Jeremy Fox, a farm worker at Fields Farm, had the idea to partner with Spider City Brewing to collect the trub (i.e., the liquid slurry of hop matter and water), that previously had been deposited down the drain and into the wastewater system, and instead add it as compost matters on their farm.
Making it happen: With funds awarded from CIF, Jeremy purchased tubs and buckets to transport the trub from Spider City Brewing and add it to Fields Farm’s compost pile.
Lessons Learned: “Setting up the collection was easy once I developed a good relationship with the brewer. It’s really about communication and keeping things simple for both parties.”