Love Food, Not Waste

Register for our Food Waste Prevention and Rescue Workshop

Did you know that wasted food makes up over 25% of waste at Knott Landfill by tonnage - making it the largest category of waste in the landfill? Yet, in Deschutes County, 1 in 8 people is food insecure, meaning they don't always know where their next meal will come from. In addition, the average family of four tosses $1,800 worth of food every year ($150/mo on just wasted food!) and wasted food uses the same energy and water as 50 million homes. It's time to rethink food waste, and we want to help you do it.

Interested in learning more before then?

Take the Rethink Waste Food Waste Challenge!

This free, 4 week home challenge is designed to help you find out what – and how much – food is going to waste in your home. Over the course of the month, you will receive one email per week with tips and tricks on how to reduce your wasted food.