Our Blog

Our blog tells the stories of the people and organizations, the programs, tools and technologies, that make sustainability real every day.  You’ll find the inspiration and resources you need to put sustainability into action in your life, at home or at work.

Be sure to check out our community calendar for upcoming events, and get to know our Partner Groups. Need a space for an event? Our door is open for learning, collaborating, and a whole lot more.

The Environmental Center is your friendly neighborhood sustainability hub.

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Action Alert: Support the Reach Code Bill

Urge your elected officials to support the “Reach” code” bill – Legislative Concept (LC) 39 – in…

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5 Actions to Support Your 2022 Rethink Waste Goals

Heading into the New Year, we might feel inspired to adopt goals in many areas of our…

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The Money Cannon for Electric School Buses

At a recent school bus conference Jackie Piero of Nuvve noted, “There is a money cannon getting…

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Introducing the Green Leadership Coalition

Recently, Bend High and Mountain View’s environmental clubs got together at The Environmental Center’s Learning Garden. They…

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6 Tips for a Low-Waste Holiday Season

Create memories, not waste this holiday season! Check out these 6 tips for a low-waste holiday season….

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Electric School Bus

Ten Tips on Electrifying your Bus Fleet

The electric bus world is growing rapidly, with more purchase orders being placed for them weekly, massive…

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Welcome Harper, Rethink Waste Project Intern!

We’re excited to announce we have another new face at The Environmental Center. Please help us welcome our…

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Giving Tuesday Logo

Giving Tuesday: A More Collective Approach

Giving Tuesday is the “global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their…

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Speak Up for Investments in Walking and Biking in Bend!

The Transportation Bond Oversight Committee (TBOC) recently finalized its prioritized project plan for the first five years…

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Grace Andrews standing in front of fall foliage

Welcome Grace, our newest AmeriCorps member

We are excited to have Grace Andrews joining our team to expand our capacity to dig into…

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Garden for Every School Program Announces Local Garden Grants Available

The Environmental Center’s Garden for Every School Program announces their annual garden grants are available. The goal…

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A Virtual Twist on Repair Café

The Environmental Center’s Rethink Waste Project coordinates with an amazing group of volunteer fixers to host Repair…

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