We need YOU to help our LED program a success

Calling all Energy Heroes in Redmond and Bend!
You may have heard that we have some very exciting news for 2017 –we have our expanded our free LED light bulb installation program to serve Redmond and Tumalo!
We have already reached 2,400 homes in Bend and our goal is to reach another 600 homes in the next 6 months. To put that in perspective, that would help save another ~$60,000 annually in energy costs.
To reach 600 homes, we need 600 people to sign up for LEDs. That’s A LOT of people. Right now, our biggest obstacle is getting the word out and getting people to sign up. If our costs get too high to market this program, we may not be able to sustain it.
This is where YOU can play a vital role in helping people save energy—letting them know that this amazing opportunity exists.
Hanging Posters
We need volunteers to help hang posters in Redmond, Tumalo, and Bend. Posters can be picked up at The Environmental Center or dropped off to you in Redmond.
If you are interested in helping out by hanging posters, please email Neil(at)envirocenter.org or calling 541-385-6908 x26.
Tabling at Local Businesses
A great way to reach people is meeting them where they already go. We have had great success set up informational tables with sign up sheets at grocery stores and coffee shops. You can set the times that you are interested in tabling! We will provide all the materials you need. If you have a business that you think might be interested, you can set up a table there, or choose from businesses that we have already set up relationships with.
Knocking on Doors
We have also had great success with canvassing neighborhoods and talking directly to people at their homes. Some people won’t want to talk to you and some will be over the moon that you just told them that can save $100 a year on utility bills and that you will help them do it for free.
If you are interesting in tabling or canvassing, we will be hosting a volunteer training to help you get more familiar with the LED program. If you plan on coming, or are interested in volunteering and can’t make the training, please email Neil(at)envirocenter.org or calling 541-385-6908 x26.
Volunteer Training
Thursday, January 19th, 4:30 – 5:30
Redmond Library, Multi Purpose Room
827 SW Deschutes Ave, Redmond, OR 97756