Speak Up for Investments in Walking and Biking in Bend!

The Transportation Bond Oversight Committee (TBOC) recently finalized its prioritized project plan for the first five years of investments from the Transportation GO Bond that voters approved last year. TBOC will present its plan to the Bend City Council on December 1st and then Council will vote on it on December 15th.
This is where we need your help. We need City Council to hear your support for the list of prioritized projects.
Here are a few messages that would be helpful for Council to hear:
- I want to see investments in walking, biking, transit and safety prioritized because . . . (add your own words).
- I trust that TBOC’s process, and the substantial public comment they received, has led to the best recommendation for the first 5 years of bond projects.
- TBOC’s recommendation is for the first five years only. They can develop a second recommendation for years 6 -10 at your direction, answering whatever questions that need answers about the second phase of projects and their costs and sequencing.
- I support TBOC’s recommendation to break apart the work on the Reed Market Corridor into phases. Doing so will accelerate smaller safety improvements on and near this corridor and will ensure completion of other projects that we need to alleviate the major disruption that will be caused by the railroad overcrossing construction when it occurs.
All written comments should be sent to council@bendoregon.gov. You can also provide your comment live at the City Council meeting at 7:00 pm on December 1st and/or December 15th during their regular meeting.
Want to Learn More?
Feel free to look at the TBOC recommendation, last meeting recording, and GO Bond Project list for more background. If you have questions about this list of projects, please email neil@envirocenter.org. Our allies at Bend Bikes also have a great blog post about this topic here where you can learn more; their Board President, LeeAnn O’Neil, is the Chair of TBOC.