Less Is More: Getting Down to One Garbage Can A Year

“A decision to switch from paper napkins to cloth, led Portland resident Betty Shelley and her husband, Jon, to eventually reduce the amount of garbage they generate in a year to one 35 gallon trash can,” reads the feature article in the Green section of the Bend Bulletin (on Monday September 17, 2012). We are excited to be partnering with the High Desert Branch of the Cascadia Green Building Council to bring Betty Shelley, Recycling Specialist for Portland Metro, here to Bend to share why, and how, she reduced her waste to less than one can a year.
Join us on Tuesday September 25th from 6:30 – 8:30 at The Environmental Center for a chance to be inspired about reducing your waste, while getting local tools and resources to make it happen. Betty’s presentation will be followed up by Sustainability Educator for The Environmental Center, Denise Rowcroft, who manages the Rethink Waste Project locally. This is your chance to get clear on what can and can’t be recycled here, resources outside your curbside bin, local reuse opportunities, an overview of composting options available locally, and ways to get involved with our Rethink Waste Project.
This presentation kicks off a host of waste reduction and sustainability minded events happening in Bend, including the Green & Solar Home Tour and the Rethink Waste Project.
For more information email denise or call 541.385.6908 x14