Baby birds are endearing, their cuteness and antics bring smiles to our faces. But, make no mistake, being a baby bird is the most dangerous, vulnerable stage of their lives. From hatchling to their final launch as fledglings, each species is unique in its development, challenges, and paths to adulthood. Join Elise Wolf of Native…
Join Pine Meadow Ranch and Coalition for the Deschutes to pull invasive weeds along Whychus Creek as it flows through the ranch. Never doubt that a small group of people can clear an area of knapweed! Plus, it's fun and greatly appreciated. When: Next Wednesday! Wednesday, June 1, 9:00 am - noon Where: Pine Meadow Ranch, Sisters For more information, send an email to
Join to: Create a shared understanding of what Signature Trails mean Identify existing or planned trails/ trail systems in the region that could meet the criteria of Signature Trails Surface local priorities for investment Contact Steph at with questions or to request accommodations.
Join the Deschutes National Forest and Coalition for the Deschutes to pull invasive weeds along the Deschutes River. You'll mostly be pulling knapweed and possibly some other invasives such as cheatgrass. With a small group of people spending two or three hours on the job, significant areas can be cleared and kept free of knapweed. And it's fun…
After a two-year hiatus due to Covid 19, registration opens April 9 for the 10th annual Dean Hale Woodpecker Festivaltaking place in Sisters, Oregon, June 2-5, 2022. Festival participants have a choice of 14 guided tours in search of 11 different species of woodpeckers and 200 other birds that make the forests, burn areas and…
When: Thursday Aug 11, Tuesday Aug 16, Tuesday Aug 23 and Tuesday Aug 30, 5:15 to Dusk Where: Meet at the old Ray's parking lot, NE corner of Simpson Ave and Century Drive in Bend Worksite: Varies There's only one thing better than mountain biking in Bend, OR and that's riding in Bend, knowing that you…
Join Beth Piatote and Raquel Gutiérrez as they read from their recent books and discuss the opportunities and challenges for writers of color whose storytelling is shaped by America’s Western landscapes. Co-hosted by Oregon State University-Cascades Low Residency MFA in Creative Writing Program.
Join us in our Kansas Avenue Learning Garden for our ongoing volunteer work party series. In 2022, volunteers contributed over 200 hours to help keep our learning garden maintained over the growing season. We couldn’t do it without you! This event is open to all ages and gardening abilities! No experience or tools required. Beer…
When: Thursday Aug 11, Tuesday Aug 16, Tuesday Aug 23 and Tuesday Aug 30, 5:15 to Dusk Where: Meet at the old Ray's parking lot, NE corner of Simpson Ave and Century Drive in Bend Worksite: Varies There's only one thing better than mountain biking in Bend, OR and that's riding in Bend, knowing that you…
Rogue Farm Corps presents: A Weekend Intensive for Farmers: Farm Tours & Talks in Central Oregon Theme: Equipment & Irrigation Days/Times: Saturday June 11th 12:30pm-5:30pm, Sunday June 12th, 10am-2pm This weekend intensive for farmers (presented by Rogue Farm Corps) consists of 3 tours of Central Oregon area farms vegetable focused farms of varying scales -…
Spring to Sprouts is Coalition for the Deschutes' annual field trip, farm tours, and complimentary BBQ lunch in Jefferson County. Meet farmers as they take you on a tour of their farms along with a tour of Central Oregon Seed in Madras. Space is limited. Email Brooke for questions or more information.
Rogue Farm Corps presents: A Weekend Intensive for Farmers: Farm Tours & Talks in Central Oregon Theme: Equipment & Irrigation Days/Times: Saturday June 11th 12:30pm-5:30pm, Sunday June 12th, 10am-2pm This weekend intensive for farmers (presented by Rogue Farm Corps) consists of 3 tours of Central Oregon area farms vegetable focused farms of varying scales -…
Are you worried about the future of Bend—how growth and change may affect our community? Are you excited and committed to help the greater Bend area become the best it can be—both now and for coming generations? If so, please join the next City Club forum: EnVisioning Bend’s Future, Tuesday, June 14
Join Oregon Natural Desert Association staff and supporters for a casual happy hour in their office this summer. Mix and mingle, learn about new aspects of Oregon’s high desert, and find opportunities to dig deeper into conservation work.
When: Thursday Aug 11, Tuesday Aug 16, Tuesday Aug 23 and Tuesday Aug 30, 5:15 to Dusk Where: Meet at the old Ray's parking lot, NE corner of Simpson Ave and Century Drive in Bend Worksite: Varies There's only one thing better than mountain biking in Bend, OR and that's riding in Bend, knowing that you…
5th Annual YP Summit Meet and reconnect with engaged and diverse young professionals on Central Oregon Community College’s beautiful campus for our annual all-day professional development-enhancing event. The YP Summit features a keynote speaker, great breakout sessions for deeper dives into specific learning topics, networking and social opportunities, and an afterparty to cap off the…
Central Oregon Celebrates Freedom Day! Join us on June 18th and 19th for fun, food, education and entertainment for the entire family! ALL are welcome to celebrate and learn at Juneteenth 2022, located at Drake Park!
This year, Happy Hour in the Garden will run from March through October. Instead of weekly, this volunteer event will be on the *1st & 3rd Tuesdays*, kicking off Tuesday, March 1st. Stop by anytime between 4-6 on the following dates to help out in the garden and enjoy a bubbly beverage. Family friendly, no…
With the resurgence of social justice movements around the country, people in rural places are becoming more aware of the history of marginalized neighbors in their communities. Join to hear these important stories, and learn more about ways we can broaden our understanding of the variety of life experiences in the rural Pacific Northwest.
You are invited to an open house on June 22 to learn about the Midtown Crossings Feasibility Study. This study looks to find opportunities to improve east-west connectivity through safer walking and biking connections in the Central Core area of Bend.
When: Thursday Aug 11, Tuesday Aug 16, Tuesday Aug 23 and Tuesday Aug 30, 5:15 to Dusk Where: Meet at the old Ray's parking lot, NE corner of Simpson Ave and Century Drive in Bend Worksite: Varies There's only one thing better than mountain biking in Bend, OR and that's riding in Bend, knowing that you…
This Spring Hike Series features Lookout Mountain in the beautiful Ochoco National Forest. Join Central Oregon LandWatch for a moderate to strenuous hike during the renown peak season to appreciate the blooming wildflowers. The details Length: 4 miles (feels longer with elevation) Elevation gain: 1,045 feet (a good bit of elevation) Conditions: Be prepared for…
OUT Central Oregon is thrilled to continue on 2019’s inaugural Bend Pride 5K Fun Run/Walk on Saturday, June 25, 2022, in Drake Park. In association with the Central Oregon Pride Festival (Central Oregon Pride), we hope you join for this fun 5K run and walk that celebrates inclusivity and pride in our diverse community. The…
The Rural Caucus & Strategy Session will be on Saturday, June 25th and Sunday, June 26th, 2022 in Redmond! Register your group today for the early bird discount! The registration form is below! For over 30 years, small-town and rural organizers and community leaders from across Oregon have come together annually at the Rural Caucus &…
OUT Central Oregon is happy to announce Central Oregon Pride 2022 on June 25th – a celebration of Pride in the diversity of our LGBTQ+ community and allies. Expanding on 15 years of celebrating Central Oregon Pride, presented by Human Dignity Coalition, OUT Central Oregon brings Central Oregon Pride 2022 to Bend with new energy,…
Celebrate the diversity of wildflowers in Oregon and the pollinators who love them. Fun for the whole family includes: Wildflower display showcasing hundreds of native wildflowers Botanic garden tours Educational talks and demonstrations Children’s activities and crafts Native plants for sale Local vendors and food trucks
Join Seed to Table every Tuesday from June 28-August 16th for Summer on the Farm! This is a time for kids and families to hang out at Seed to Table and engage with staff in different gardening and cooking activities. Free, and open to all ages.
Learn about the impacts of HB2001 & SB458 in Bend, Oregon and all large cities in Oregon Join us for this special edition 2-hour update webinar providing the latest in HB 2001 zoning changes for Bend and other larger housing markets. Oregon House Bill 2001 was passed into law in 2019 thereby requiring Oregon cities with…
The City of Bend's Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) calls for Bend to transition to 100% renewable energy by 2025. In the OR 2021 legislative session, HB 2021, also known as the 100% Clean For All bill, passed which will allow communities to buy renewable energy from Pacific Power or PGE through a special rate…
When: Thursday Aug 11, Tuesday Aug 16, Tuesday Aug 23 and Tuesday Aug 30, 5:15 to Dusk Where: Meet at the old Ray's parking lot, NE corner of Simpson Ave and Century Drive in Bend Worksite: Varies There's only one thing better than mountain biking in Bend, OR and that's riding in Bend, knowing that you…