Fledgling Fun: The Life Cycle of Birds
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesFledgling Fun: The Life Cycle of Birds 3:45-5:15 PM (3:45-4:15 pm: gathering & crafts; 4:15-5:15 pm: activities & presentation) March 9th: Cranes April 13th: Bird Migration May 11th: A Bird-Day Celebration…
Oregon Strong Voice Grassroots Lobby Day
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesLeaving from Bend for conversations with legislators about laws on wages and working conditions and other priorities for our Oregon Strong Voice Coalition. Contact: Bruce Morris, Bruce Morris, coscjenter@gmail.
Birding for PreSchoolers
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United States10:00 AM Monday mornings, Drake Park in Bend A birding and nature walk geared towards preschoolers but all ages are welcome. Exploration, singing, finger plays, observation, learning, questioning...it's all part…
Oregon Climate Meet Up
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesOregon Climate is a statewide, grassroots campaign to put a price on pollution in Oregon. We have one overarching goal: to pass a carbon price and dividend for our state.…
Oregon State Legislature Policy 101
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesOn Wednesday, March 11th, join Central Oregon LandWatch, Friends of Family Farmers, and High Desert Food and Farm Alliance for a FREE workshop. Come learn how the Oregon Legislature works…
High Desert Lecture Series: Shane Von Schlemp & Thru-Hiking the Oregon Desert Trail
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesIn the second installment of its new High Desert Lecture Series, the Oregon Natural Desert Association on Wednesday, March 11 will welcome an adventurer who last summer completed the entire…
Energy Trust of Oregon Presents: Deep Retrofits on Historic Projects
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesJoin Energy Trust for the beginning of the 2015 Allies for Efficiency training series. The training will cover design and construction best practices for deep energy retrofit projects, including a…
Sustainable Homes Professional (SHP) Course; Module 2
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesSHP is an interactive six-month accreditation program that provides participants with the opportunity to develop the technical skills and knowledge required to design and build highperformance homes. Each two-day module…
Living on a Few Acres Conference
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesPlan to attend this informative annual conference held on March 11, 2017 at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center in Redmond. Improve your knowledge and acquire new skills by…
Introduction to Growing Vegetables Class (Spanish version)
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesAn introductory class on growing vegetables including climate, site selection, soil preparation, season extension, and crop selection given in Spanish by an OSU Master Gardener™. To register, please call: 541-548-6088