4 things you need to know about the EV Charging Tax Credit

In a late December session, congress passed a bill that extended the electric vehicle charging tax credit that will cover 30% of the cost for residential or workplace charging. Because the EV charging tax credit got passed right at the end of 2019, there has been very little information available for you to file your 2019 taxes. Here are the details that may help you get a bigger tax refund, or help you afford EV charging in 2020.
Please consult with your tax professional to see how these credits apply to you. This information does not constitute tax advice and cannot be used to avoid tax penalties.
Tax credits are available for EV charger hardware and installation costs.
Install costs can account for the majority of the total cost of installing EV charging especially for commercial installations. This importantly covers both components on charging costs.
30% tax credit up to $1,000 for residential and $30,000 for commercial.
You use form 8911 to apply for the Federal EV charging tax credit. It covers 30% of the costs with a max of $1,000 credit for residents and $30,000 tax credit for commercial installs.
You can still apply for installs as early as 2017.
Did you install charging in 2017 or 2018? Not to worry, you are still eligible for the tax credit! It retroactively applies for installs in 2017 and doesn’t expire until the end of 2020. If your install happened before 2019 you will have to file an amended return to claim your charging credit.
Other business EV charging incentives are available.
We are seeing EV charging pop up all over Oregon. With the 30% Federal Tax credit and many other incentives and grants available from utilities and municipalities, 2020 is a great year to install. The list of opportunities for funding is always changing and we will do our best to keep you up to date. Right now, there are currently Level 2 chargers available for interested workplaces in Central Oregon as well as grants for installs in Oregon Electric Community Co-op Territories.
Please reach out to Neil at Neil@envirocenter.org or call him at 541-385-6908 x12 for more information.