Thoughts on Recycling with Terracycle

A common question we get at Rethink Waste is what about TerraCycle? Why doesn’t The Environmental Center sign up to get some collection boxes for hard to recycle items such…

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Waste that’s worthy of attention 


Oregon’s legislative session is underway and there are over a dozen waste-related bills that have been introduced. Here are two bills that we support. Right to Repair (HB 2698): UPDATE:…

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Where Is Away?

This week’s Lunch Bites Highlight focuses on sustainable living and specifically, where our garbage goes once we throw it away. Helping our young learners understand the journey garbage takes can…

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Recycle your Holiday Tree

As our Deschutes County Knott Landfill continues to fill up (it is anticipated to be full by 2029), we want to do our best to keep what we can out…

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5 quick tips: how to reduce waste during construction

The EPA estimates that 548 million tons of construction and demolition (C/D) debris (concrete, asphalt, steel, wood products, drywall, brick and clay tile, etc) was generated in the U.S. in…

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Buckingham 4th Graders Visit Knott Landfill

(Pictured above: Our lovely Sustainability Educators having a little fun during the field trip!) Earlier this month, 4th grade students from Buckingham Elementary took a field trip to Knott Landfill.…

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Rethink Waste Over the Holidays

It is estimated that between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, more than 1 million tons of additional waste is generated EACH WEEK nationwide. And that doesn’t even take into account all…

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