A few thoughts about waste, awareness, and November.

Imagine your perfect 4th-Thursday-in-November holiday scenario. What does it look like? In the year 2020 (an election year, at that), the economy isn’t doing great and many people have lost…

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DIY Composter: How-to with TEC’s Youth Education!

Our Eco-Hero STEAM students got to make their own composters this fall! What is compost? Compost is decomposed organic material that can be used as a nutrient-rich soil amendment for…

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3 Tips for a Low Waste Halloween

Halloween! Such a fun fantastical holiday when you can really be whoever you want to be: Storm from the X-Men? Willy Wonka? Or popular and scary Freddy Krueger? Well, even…

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Rethink Waste: DIY Beeswax Wrap!

We’re up to our armpits in our second Rethink Food Waste Challenge! Folks are learning all about ways to reduce their household food waste through shopping with a list, keeping…

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