Posts by Denise Rowcroft
Where in the World Is My Recycling?
Have you ever wondered what happens to the yogurt tub or the cardboard box after you…
Waste Not, Want Not
A striking number – about 30% of world’s food – is thrown away, according to a…
It’s Electric!
This time of year in Central Oregon, our electric meters are spinning faster than hamster wheels….
Use It Up, Wear It Out
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without” Growing up in Finland,…
Sharing Is Caring
As I opened the thoughtfully wrapped present from my 12-year old son revealing an industrial-size bag…
Recycling Remastered
So you’ve mastered the recycling of your household or office waste: paper, cardboard, cans, bottles, and…
The Gift of Warm Fuzzies
There’s something about a gift that is hand-made by a friend or a family member that just…
It’s a Wrap!
Good things come in small packages, right? The best things, however, come in reusable or recyclable…
Low or No Waste Holiday Parties
‘Tis the season – to create about 25% more garbage! Seriously, that is how much more…
Shop Smart
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Stuff, stuff and more stuff? Probably not. I bet…