Cómo Escuchar Música de Forma Activa

Brooks Room, Deschutes Public Library 507 NW Wall St., Bend, OR, United States

Goza la música a través de una comprensión más profunda. En este taller, Armando Alcalde va a tocar la guitarra y explicar los detalles de lo que sucede en música. Vamos a usar jazz, bossa nova, y blues para mostrar los conceptos musicales, aunque las ideas aplican a todos losgéneros musicales. Los participantes aprenderán a…

Kids’ Business Shopping Event

Brooks Room, Deschutes Public Library 507 NW Wall St., Bend, OR, United States

Kids in our community who make and sell their own products & services. (with minimal help from parents). See fresh business ideas from young minds in our community. Come support these young entrepreneurs and empower them to dream big! There will be crafts, food, gifts, toys, games, and more! Bring: Friends and Cash FREE to…


CTAC Meeting

Brooks Room, Deschutes Public Library 507 NW Wall St., Bend, OR, United States

The Citywide Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) provides recommendations related to the updates of the Transportation System Plan (TSP) and Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). This committee is getting closer to drafting the new TSP, which will be the guiding document for transportation in Bend over the next 20 years. Any new transportation projects in the City over the next…