Making every day Earth Day

A few weeks ago, we celebrated Earth Day with a variety of activities for the public to enjoy and participate in, expanding their love for the Earth. How cool is it that we have an entire day dedicated to our beautiful Mother Earth? Just because April 22nd was declared Earth Day on the calendar does not mean our motivations to help the environment should be limited to a single day. This week’s Lunch Bite Highlight focuses on this important day by encouraging young learners to participate in the holiday as well.
So, where did Earth Day come from? To summarize, in 1970, people began to notice serious environmental harm that was occurring. In order to engage public participation in helping the state of the earth, Earth Day was formed. For more background information about where Earth Day came from, click here.
We wouldn’t be able to survive without the Earth, so it makes sense that it should be a priority to keep it healthy and clean to maximize the benefits it provides which keeps us alive. If Earth Day means taking care of the environment, how can we make Earth Day everyday? While this may seem like a big task to begin with, let’s break it down to some simple yet important ways we can prioritize the Earth in our everyday lives, and especially in the lives of our little environmentalists.
First, we can recycle. Each day we encounter lots of trash that we might be tempted to throw away without checking if it is recyclable. Teaching young learners what can be recycled and what needs to be taken to the landfill can help them make environmentally friendly choices which can help the earth. What can we put in our compost instead of throwing in the trash? What can we reuse to make a fun craft instead of putting it in the garbage? Click here to read about Deschutes County’s Knott landfill and also take a Knott Landfill virtual tour!
Second, we can help clean up the garbage we see on the ground. Littering seems to be all around us at times, with food containers tossed on the ground instead of thrown away or recycled. Picking up litter can be a fun way to teach young ones about the Earth. What might happen to an animal who mistakes the litter for food? Will the litter biodegrade? If not, what will happen to it? Of course being safe and healthy is a top priority, so if you decide to take your family to pick up litter, be sure to stay safe and healthy by wearing appropriate clothing, and maybe using a trash picker! This website lists many different safety tips when picking up litter.
Third, have fun outside! The Earth has provided us with so many beautiful places to visit and play. Going on walks, searching for bugs, or playing in the river are all easy ways for you and your young ones to show appreciation for the Earth. Here in Central Oregon we are blessed with many beautiful natural things like the Deschutes River, huge Ponderosa Pines, Three Sisters and Mt. Bachelor, and much more. What are other things in nature that you are thankful for?
Even though having a dedicated day to celebrate the Earth is significant, let’s not use that as an excuse to forget the Earth for the rest of the year. What else can you do to teach young learners about appreciating Mother Earth?
For more Lunch Bites with fun activities and videos for children in both English and Spanish, click here.