Free LED Light Bulb Program to Expand to Sisters

Starting in December, residents in Sisters will be able to save $100 a year with free energy-saving LED light bulbs. The Energy Challenge of Central Oregon is expanding its popular LED installation program and residents can sign up to get an appointment scheduled immediately.
The use of the LED light bulbs, which uses about 80% less energy than a regular incandescent bulb, is an easy way for both home owners and renters to save money. And the LED bulbs can last over 20 years. “What a great idea for people who don’t really know about the savings with LED light bulbs!” said Sisters resident, Cassandra McElroy, who recently had LED bulbs installed in her home.
Since its implementation in 2015, the LED Program has installed 50,000 energy efficient LED (light emitting diode) light bulbs in over 3,600 Central Oregon homes. The current energy savings translates to an accumulation of almost $10 million in savings for Central Oregonians over the next 20 years. “We hope this illustrates that even your smallest actions add up to something much bigger than yourself” said Neil Baunsgard, Project Manager of The Energy Challenge. “When you’re making changes to save energy, however small, you’re part of a community-wide movement and you truly are making a difference.”
In addition to the light bulbs, the program has installed over 1,700 high efficiency showerheads and showerwands, which contributes to another huge increase in energy savings in the home. The Energy Challenge also provides information on energy saving features such as ductless heat pumps, solar panels and heat pump water heaters.
Installations will now be available to residents of Sisters and the program will continue to serve Bend, Tumalo, and Redmond. Sign up or find more information at
This program is made possible through a partnership with the Energy Trust of Oregon and Central Electric Coop.