May 21 and May 28 9:00-10:00 AM No registration. Just show up. NE 9th and NE Franklin, Bend Bring weeding tools, shovel, bucket, gloves, hat, sunscreen, water. Franklin's Corner pollinator garden is co-located with the community vegetable garden. The pollinator garden demonstrates waterwise landscaping with native pollinator plants. It's maintained entirely by volunteers.
Local Bend adventurer Geoff Babb, a survivor of two strokes, takes years to perfect an all-terrain human-powered wheelchair, culminating in a rigorous 4-day expedition down and back out of the Grand Canyon, with a ripple effect on others from its creation—access to nature previously out of reach. Sometimes one bold dream can change the world for…
Learn about sharks and current research with Dr. Alexandra McInturf. Sharks play a critical role in maintaining vibrant ecosystems in Oregon and around the world. Yet, considered "dangerous" by popular media and threatened by human activity worldwide, these organisms have faced global population declines. Dr. Alexandra McInturf has been studying shark species worldwide for the…
Learn about sharks and current research with Dr. Alexandra McInturf. Sharks play a critical role in maintaining vibrant ecosystems in Oregon and around the world. Yet, considered "dangerous" by popular media and threatened by human activity worldwide, these organisms have faced global population declines. Dr. Alexandra McInturf has been studying shark species worldwide for the…
RSVP HERE! Do you work with a Community Organization in Central Oregon? Are you a local elected official in Central Oregon? Come learn about how your constituents can benefit from The Environmental Center's brand new Free Home Energy Assessment Program. We are teaming up with Energy Trust of Oregon to provide free home energy assessments…
Since the release of the five-year Vision Action Plan, Envision Bend has been working with vision lead partners to align efforts, spark action, and track collective progress. In the coming months, Envision Bend will be hosting a Summer Vision Roadshow at various coffee shops and breweries around town for the community to learn more about…
June 1, 9:00-12:00 PM at Caldera High School (60925 SE 15th St, Bend) June 8, 9:00-1:00 PM at Hollinshead Park (1235 NE Jones Rd, Bend) Volunteer to hand out plants or staff the info table by completing this form. We will give away plants to 560 households this year thanks to the City of Bend, Wintercreek Nursery and…
Make cute garden starts in eggshells and explore a garden! Stop by the Environmental Center's Happy Hour in the Garden to plant some eggshell starts, and feel free to volunteer in the Environmental Center's learning garden afterwards (optional). This is a family friendly event - no experience or tools necessary. Beer and bubbly will be…
Join us in our Kansas Avenue Learning Garden for our ongoing volunteer work party series. In 2022, volunteers contributed over 200 hours to help keep our learning garden maintained over the growing season. We couldn't do it without you! This event is open to all ages and gardening abilities! No experience or tools required. Beer…
This year’s Oregon Active Transportation Summit, Move Oregon Forward, will ground our community of advocates, organizers, professionals, and decision-makers in the shared belief that a better future is possible. Register today and join us June 5-7 at the Leftbank Annex in Portland, OR. Who Should Attend? Each year, hundreds of professionals and advocates from Oregon and SW Washington…
People often ask what really happens to their plastic recycling. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter where your discarded plastic is collected, whether at the end of your driveway, at your local recycling center, or in a municipal recycling bin: Most plastic items collected as recycling are not actually “recycled.” Many people are now realizing that plastic is not designed to be…
RSVP HERE! Find out if you qualify for discounts that may cover the full cost of energy efficiency home upgrades! Homeowners and renters are welcome. Please join us on June 5th, from 5:30pm to 6:30pm to learn about The Environmental Center's brand new Free Home Energy Assessment Program! This new program could help you access free or…
Join 350 Deschutes - We're organizing to Stop the GTN Pipeline Gas Expansion. RSVP Now! Speakers: Riccardo Waites: Executive, Central Oregon Black Leaders Assembly will discuss the effects of gas expansion on vulnerable communities. Will your neighborhood be affected? Nora Harren, 350 Deschutes, will discuss the health and environmental impacts of the compressor stations in SunRiver, and…
Come tour the Pelton Round Butte Fish Passage and Hatchery Facilities On this tour you’ll get to see juvenile steelhead making their way downstream to the ocean, and adult Chinook that have recently returned to the hatchery. Come learn about collaborative efforts to reintroduce anadromous fish to the upper basin and restore the habitat that…
Friday, June 7th, Lyanda Haupt will speak at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at 7pm. To purchase tickets, click HERE. Deepen your connection to the natural world with this inspiring meditation, "a path to the place where science and spirit meet" (Robin Wall Kimmerer). Award-winning writer Lyanda Lynn Haupt’s highly personal new book is a brilliant…
June 1, 9:00-12:00 PM at Caldera High School (60925 SE 15th St, Bend) June 8, 9:00-1:00 PM at Hollinshead Park (1235 NE Jones Rd, Bend) Volunteer to hand out plants or staff the info table by completing this form. We will give away plants to 560 households this year thanks to the City of Bend, Wintercreek Nursery and…
This webinar will focus on identifying the best practices to address the challenges of equitable distribution, site selection, permits and policy considerations for EV charging at Multi-Family Housing.
Get ready for the 4th Annual Juneteenth Central Oregon celebration on June 15th and 16th, 2024 from 11am to 5:30pm! Rooted in education, entertainment, and fostering a vibrant and safe environment for the community, this year’s theme, “Jubilee,” marks a joyous celebration of the emancipation of African Americans. Joined by the African and Caribbean Community,…
Join us in our Kansas Avenue Learning Garden for our ongoing volunteer work party series. In 2022, volunteers contributed over 200 hours to help keep our learning garden maintained over the growing season. We couldn't do it without you! This event is open to all ages and gardening abilities! No experience or tools required. Beer…
Did you know that wasted food makes up over 25% of waste at Knott Landfill by tonnage - making it the largest category of waste in the landfill? Yet, in Deschutes County, 1 in 8 people is food insecure, meaning they don't always know where their next meal will come from. In addition, the average…
The focus of this forum is to discuss how decisions are made to fight a wildfire when they start. Particularly, how decisions differ based on the area and/or type of land where they start: wilderness, urban interface, grasslands and tribal lands. What agencies are involved and how do they coordinate? What are decision-making points for…
Wildflower Show & Pollinator Festival Saturday, June 22, 2024, 9am – 3pm Join Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory and the High Desert Chapter of the Native Plant Society as we celebrate the diversity of wildflowers in Oregon and the pollinators who love them. Fun for the whole family includes: Wildflower display showcasing hundreds of native…
Join the Fridays for Future Bend and Deschutes Youth Climate Coalition on Saturday, June 22 in Drake Park. We want to have a conversation with any young people in town interested in climate action and getting involved!
Did you know that wasted food makes up over 25% of waste at Knott Landfill by tonnage - making it the largest category of waste in the landfill? Yet, in Deschutes County, 1 in 8 people is food insecure, meaning they don't always know where their next meal will come from. In addition, the average…
Join us in our Kansas Avenue Learning Garden for our ongoing volunteer work party series. In 2022, volunteers contributed over 200 hours to help keep our learning garden maintained over the growing season. We couldn't do it without you! This event is open to all ages and gardening abilities! No experience or tools required. Beer…