Nature Journaling Workshop Series: This series starts on June 2nd and continues on Tuesdays in June. Nature journaling is the practice of drawing and writing in response to observations of nature. Enjoy a “conversation with nature” by slowing down to notice and record what you see in our natural surroundings. Due to the nature of…
What's cute, fuzzy, an expert 'rafter' and that Oregon Wild is working hard to bring back to the state? Sea otters! Featuring special guest Bob Bailey of The Elakha Alliance, this webcast will explore the history of this iconic species, efforts in Oregon to restore sea otters to their native coastal waters, and what you…
When: Thursday Aug 11, Tuesday Aug 16, Tuesday Aug 23 and Tuesday Aug 30, 5:15 to Dusk Where: Meet at the old Ray's parking lot, NE corner of Simpson Ave and Century Drive in Bend Worksite: Varies There's only one thing better than mountain biking in Bend, OR and that's riding in Bend, knowing that you…
Show up for peaceful demonstration against the violence, death, racial discrimination and social injustice of black men, women and children. Walk the whole route or meet at one of the waypoints below. 2:00pm – Meet at Farewell Bend Park near Bill Healy Bridge 2:30pm – Start walk 2:45pm-3:00pm – Pass by REI/Old Mill 2:55pm-3:10pm –…
Join a peaceful gathering on behalf of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement protesting the social injustices that have plagued our country, and to raise awareness for the countless lives that have been lost due to the negligence and blatant discrimination by Police of Black Americans. This will be a PEACEFUL GATHERING, rioters…
Please join us to remember and honor every person of color who has lost their lives at the hands of brutality. This will be an evening of community and coming together in peace for all of Central Oregon. Social distancing guidelines and masks are recommended throughout the event. Please bring any candles, signs and pictures.…
Join a peaceful sit down protest in solidarity with the lives lost and the ones we must fight for. Bring masks, signs, and pictures. Keep in mind that this is a peaceful event. Do not incite violence or harm! Let’s set an example as a community.
Please join Rise Up for Justice Monday for a critical discussion they're hosting on the history and impact of police violence and inequality on the Black community, the current context of white supremacy and Black resistance, and the possibilities and strategies for a racial justice future.
Nature Journaling Workshop Series: This series starts on June 2nd and continues on Tuesdays in June. Nature journaling is the practice of drawing and writing in response to observations of nature. Enjoy a “conversation with nature” by slowing down to notice and record what you see in our natural surroundings. Due to the nature of…
Description Join the Newport Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation for a moderated live discussion with this amazing and knowledgable panel: Charlie Plybon of Oregon Policy Manager, Surfrider Foundation Megan Ponder, accomplished public policy expert, researcher, and a producer of the award-winning documentary The Story of Plastic Pete Chism-Winfield, past chair of AOR and Program Coordinator…
Ready for a pop quiz on public lands? Study up and join Oregon Natural Desert Association for a fun presentation that will use trivia-style questions while teaching you more about how public lands are designated and managed across the United States! All participants who join this live event will be entered to win a raffle…
The Wonders of Mount HoodMount Hood is home to some of Oregon's most jaw droppingly beautiful trails, old-growth forests, wildflowers, and streams. Eli Boschetto, author of the brand new Day Hiking Mount Hood guide, will take you on a virtual tour of some of the more off-the-beaten-path trails where you'll be able to enjoy the…
When: Thursday Aug 11, Tuesday Aug 16, Tuesday Aug 23 and Tuesday Aug 30, 5:15 to Dusk Where: Meet at the old Ray's parking lot, NE corner of Simpson Ave and Century Drive in Bend Worksite: Varies There's only one thing better than mountain biking in Bend, OR and that's riding in Bend, knowing that you…
The Story of Plastic brings into focus an alarming, man-made crisis and the heroes who are working every day to rise up against big plastic. After the film, learn more from our panelists about efforts underway here in Newport and statewide to reduce plastics and ways that you can get involved.
Join Friends of Family Farmers for their next virtual InFARMation: The Great Oregon Bake Off - Growing, Milling, and Baking Local Grains. From growing, to milling to baking, there are plenty of opportunities to support local farms and businesses along the way. Join for an informational evening on the ins and outs of growing grains, baking…
Clearwater Native Plant Nursery has decided to go ahead with the annual “Open to the Public” event this season. However, they ask that folks be patient and practice physical distancing while at the nursery. They also ask that you limit the number of people in your party to those shopping for plants. Masks would be…
Environmental Justice Pathways is featuring 4 young local artists who are leading the way in addressing environmental injustices using creative solutions to inspire positive change in their communities. These artists use storytelling, photography, and cinematography to imagine relevant and accessible solutions to environmental, climate, and racial justice. There will be an "open mic" style poetry…
FoFF's warmly invites producers to join their Virtual Farmer Chats, July 13th and 27th from 7:30 to 9:00pm, where they will continue to discuss Racial and Food Justice. FoFF's creates a space for farmers to talk with each other about how we can dismantle the mechanisms that oppress our fellow farmers, neighbors, and friends. All farmers, ranchers and…
Beginning June 16, Professor powell will be part of a series of monthly digital discussions called Toward Belonging. This first digital dialogue will feature a live conversation about the opportunities and threats to social inclusion and belonging in Europe and the US, how COVID-19 is shaping new community responses and dynamics, and where we can go better, together.
Nature Journaling Workshop Series: This series starts on June 2nd and continues on Tuesdays in June. Nature journaling is the practice of drawing and writing in response to observations of nature. Enjoy a “conversation with nature” by slowing down to notice and record what you see in our natural surroundings. Due to the nature of…
Oregon Natural Desert Association's Senior Attorney Mac Lacy and Program Director Mark Salvo will cover the history of ONDA’s legal work, share thoughts on how Covid-19 might impact conservation policy, and take your questions.
Cooking Matters is a nutrition and cooking course delivered virtually by OSU Extension Service Nutrition Educators. Learn how to plan and prepare healthy, budget-friendly snacks and meals for your family. Cooking Matters es un curso de nutrición y cocina impartido virtualmente por OSU Extension Service Nutrition Educators. Aprenda a planificar y preparar meriendas y comidas…
What is implicit bias? Where does bias come from? Why do we believe the things we believe, and how do we change as we grow? Register for this important training and conversation, led by Erika Preyer McCalpine, an expert in equity and inclusion work, co-founder of the Love Your Neighbor forums and OSU-Cascades Business Instructor…
Where do we go from here? The challenges that Black, Indigenous, and people of color face outdoors and in life are undeniable. For many of us, reckoning with that means confronting some uncomfortable truths. Join Oregon Wild for a panel discussion on race, the outdoors, and more.
When: Thursday Aug 11, Tuesday Aug 16, Tuesday Aug 23 and Tuesday Aug 30, 5:15 to Dusk Where: Meet at the old Ray's parking lot, NE corner of Simpson Ave and Century Drive in Bend Worksite: Varies There's only one thing better than mountain biking in Bend, OR and that's riding in Bend, knowing that you…
Through all forms of adversity, our communities organize in purpose, power, and action. Celebrate Juneteenth with Peaceful Protesting, Music, Peace, Love and Joy! What is Juneteenth?
On June 19th African Americans will once again be celebrating the slaves being freed by Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Known as Juneteenth, it is a time to celebrate our freedom as Americans. In honor of this day, and in order to silent the ghosts of Bends past, we will have a march and a ceremony to…
Join us on Saturday, June 20th in Prineville for a Black Lives Matter event. This is a gathering for peace, education, friendship, and Justice! We will spend time together as a community discussing the problems of brutality and white supremacy running nationwide through our law enforcement and education system. Keep in mind that this is…
Join Out Central Oregon for OUTSPOKEN: Virtual Spoken Word and space to LGBTQ+ expression. All LGBTQ+ identifying individuals are welcome but priority will be put towards the amplification of voices within the BIPOC community. Feel free to dress up, get creative, and show up in this loving virtual space via zoom on June…
A virtual tour with two OSU guides to help you garden for pollinators, plus time for Q&A. We'll cover everything from what shrubs to plant, how to use mason bees, shrubs and trees that bloom in winter and some garden designs that look great, attract a wide array of pollinators, but use plants that are…
Nature Journaling Workshop Series: This series starts on June 2nd and continues on Tuesdays in June. Nature journaling is the practice of drawing and writing in response to observations of nature. Enjoy a “conversation with nature” by slowing down to notice and record what you see in our natural surroundings. Due to the nature of…
Oregon's most famous wolf made history after traveling thousands of miles across Oregon and into California. OR-7, also known as Journey, became the first confirmed wolf west of the Cascades since gray wolves had been eradicated in 1947. His welcome return brought inspiration and hope that his species could once again thrive on their ancestral…
As we continue to navigate these times of uncertainty, we find ourselves searching for answers. The questions vary and range from what happens next, to how do we move forward?
Cooking Matters is a nutrition and cooking course delivered virtually by OSU Extension Service Nutrition Educators. Learn how to plan and prepare healthy, budget-friendly snacks and meals for your family. Cooking Matters es un curso de nutrición y cocina impartido virtualmente por OSU Extension Service Nutrition Educators. Aprenda a planificar y preparar meriendas y comidas…
Explore the delicate and beautiful world of butterflies with the Deschutes Land Trust and Amanda Egertson from the comfort of your home. Learn about common butterflies in Central Oregon and a few tips on how to identify butterflies. You'll also learn more about their unique features and natural history. Then you'll have a chance to…
Knowing Oregon's BeesFrom wilderness areas to urban backyards, bees are always underfoot yet often unseen. With over 500 species, Oregon's bees play a crucial and often invisible role in the pollination of our native flora, and an even less appreciated role in the productivity of our home gardens and industrial farms. Despite their importance, relatively…
As we keep showing up to demand that Black lives are given the dignity they deserve, we are also upholding democracy. We’re taking our demands to our city councils. We are calling our local police departments to hold them accountable for arresting peaceful protesters and not the armed white supremacists trying to threaten people into…
Join Beyond Toxics for a lesson about native bees and a virtual native plant tour! August Jackson (Mount Pisgah Arboretum) will give us a brief look at some of Oregon's bee species that thrive in the heat of summer, and discuss what you can do to support them in your area. Then Kelsey Irvine (City…
When: Thursday Aug 11, Tuesday Aug 16, Tuesday Aug 23 and Tuesday Aug 30, 5:15 to Dusk Where: Meet at the old Ray's parking lot, NE corner of Simpson Ave and Century Drive in Bend Worksite: Varies There's only one thing better than mountain biking in Bend, OR and that's riding in Bend, knowing that you…
Join ACLU of Oregon clients, staff, and ally organizations for an online gathering to discuss the work in Oregon to ensure that LGBTQ+ people have their identities, relationships, and families respected and receive fair treatment at school and on the job. Plus, we will provide updates on advocacy initiatives and ACLU cases, including the current…
Why do you value wild rivers? Join Oregon Natural Desert Association for a short video screening and a thoughtful dialogue between Chad Brown of Soul River, Inc. and ONDA’s Gena Goodman-Campbell as they share personal reflections on the value of remarkable desert rivers. Then, Gena will introduce us to some lesser-known streams, rivers and lakes…
A small group of experts from our community will answer your questions about the coronavirus, its impact on our community, and provide valuable information to help you to adapt and stay healthy, and continue to navigate these challenging times. *The event will be in Spanish only. Participants: Kathya Avila Choquez, Latino Community Specialist at Bend Parks and…
Join Friends of Family Farmers to hear from farmers and processors about the ins and outs of small scale processing options in Oregon, how the pandemic has impacted small farmers and ranchers, and what the state is doing about it.
Join Camp Fire for an online celebration of belonging! Learn from young people about the power of affirming adults in their lives and the impact that it has had on their ability to have a positive identity.
Willing Workers On Local Farms (WWOLF) WWOLF is a community program of Central Oregon Locavore Non-Profit with the goal of lending a hand to small farmers while educating the community about the true nature of local food.
Join us in Prineville, Oregon for a peaceful sit in Black Lives Matter protest. This is a gathering for peace, education, friendship, and Justice! There will be no speeches or live music at this event, this will be a peaceful sit in with chanting. Please bring your signs, chairs/blankets and voices. We are in this…
We're excited for some summer fun in the forest! We will learn about natural history, explore the forest, create shelters, and splash in Tumalo Creek. The health & safety of our participants and staff is our top priority. We hope the fresh air, exercise, learning, and interacting will help students feel refreshed and joyful! Sign…
Explore the racial unrest underway across the U.S. with a panel of Central Oregonians of color at this Love Your Neighbor forum. Members of the panel will share their perspectives on race relations, and include audience participation to look at ways to advance racial justice locally and nationally.
FoFF's warmly invites producers to join their Virtual Farmer Chats, July 13th and 27th from 7:30 to 9:00pm, where they will continue to discuss Racial and Food Justice. FoFF's creates a space for farmers to talk with each other about how we can dismantle the mechanisms that oppress our fellow farmers, neighbors, and friends. All farmers, ranchers and…
We're excited for some summer fun in the forest! We will learn about natural history, explore the forest, create shelters, and splash in Tumalo Creek. The health & safety of our participants and staff is our top priority. We hope the fresh air, exercise, learning, and interacting will help students feel refreshed and joyful! Sign…
Oregon is experiencing a boom in new electric vehicle (EV) drivers. Let's get to know some of our co-workers, neighbors, and members of our central Oregon community that have made the shift to driving electric. Our broad community of EV drivers all have different needs and are excited to share their unique perspectives on driving on electricity.
Join Central Oregon Bitterbrush Broads for a special online presentation! Learn how removing outdated dams on the Lower Snake River can help revive declining salmon populations and let salmon once again spawn freely up the Columbia River and its tributaries. Make sure you register in order to receive a link to the presentation!
Our Garden Team has kicked off Happy Hour in the Garden. Join us every Tuesday, 4-6pm, through September 1st. Here are our new COVID-10 guidelines, which we also have posted on our task board in the garden. Volunteering in the Garden COVID Guidelines: There will be a maximum of 8 volunteers (we do not have an…
Join Central Oregon Womxn in Conservation for parenting happy hour via Zoom! Share tips, stories, or commiserate on how you got through the weirdest school/daycare year on record and how you are managing summer time off for kids. There will be space for other hot topics like how we are talking about racism with our kids.…
Join the Deschutes Land Trust and Maret Pajutee for a meditative evening of Tree Yoga from the comfort of your own home. Find your personal ponderosa pine (or other comfortable yoga space) and use it to help you stretch both body and mind with Tree Yoga! Maret will guide you through gentle movements and meditation…
We're excited for some summer fun in the forest! We will learn about natural history, explore the forest, create shelters, and splash in Tumalo Creek. The health & safety of our participants and staff is our top priority. We hope the fresh air, exercise, learning, and interacting will help students feel refreshed and joyful! Sign…
Join the Deschutes Land Trust and Fiona Noonan to learn about climate change impacts and solutions in Central Oregon from the comfort of your home. Discuss climate science, the effects of climate change on natural systems, and the ways that conservation can combat rising temperatures and shifting habitats. Learn about the Land Trust's climate change…
Northeast Oregon is home to America's deepest canyon and the longest recorded habitation by humans. Learn about the importance of the Snake River to indigenous people, wildlife, and generations of battles to protect and restore it from a diverse group of multigenerational advocates. Oregon is home to North America's deepest Canyon. That's right. Hells Canyon…
We're excited for some summer fun in the forest! We will learn about natural history, explore the forest, create shelters, and splash in Tumalo Creek. The health & safety of our participants and staff is our top priority. We hope the fresh air, exercise, learning, and interacting will help students feel refreshed and joyful! Sign…
During this livestream, Erika McCalpine and Zak Boone, co-Chairs of City Club’s Civility Project, will facilitate a conversation with two Black men, Marcus LeGrand and Rob Garrott, about their personal experiences living in Central Oregon; especially during these times of racial unrest.
When: Thursday Aug 11, Tuesday Aug 16, Tuesday Aug 23 and Tuesday Aug 30, 5:15 to Dusk Where: Meet at the old Ray's parking lot, NE corner of Simpson Ave and Century Drive in Bend Worksite: Varies There's only one thing better than mountain biking in Bend, OR and that's riding in Bend, knowing that you…