All around the world, thousands of initiatives are demonstrating that we can create a better future: resilient communities, healthier ecosystems, equitable economies. Now we need to connect the dots, get together, translate understanding into action, and build a global to local movement! Join us at the Economics of Happiness conference to discuss, discover and devise…
Part of the Central Oregon Community College Multicultural Center Season of Nonviolence. Jade Aguilar, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Women’s and Gender Studies at Willamette University, will lead participants in a conversation about how, from the moment we are born, gender shapes every aspect of our lives. Aguilar will guide the audience in a discussion…
Green Team Movie Night is coming right up! We are going to watch a few episodes of “Saving the Ocean with Carl Safina” on Tuesday, Aug 4th at 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St., in Bend in the church library. Watch and hear stories of hope and the innovation and the…
As the community book discussions conclude their review of “Overcoming Our Racism: Journey to Liberation”, we will hold a community celebration and dialogue about the next steps that we can take together to end racial injustice in our community. Whether you’ve participated in the book discussions or not, please join in this important community conversation.…
Kôr Community Land Trust invites you to join us for cocktails, lite-bites and some great information about our vision for affordable housing communities in Bend. The event is open to the public. Bring your questions and a friend!
Join Children’s Forest of Central Oregon partners for fun and interactive trainings which provide skills for K-12 teachers to lead effective outdoor educational activities. Teachers will learn natural resource information, inquiry skills, hands-on science activities which align with Next Generation Science Standards, and tips for group management and logistics for field trips. Substitute costs are…
Friends and Neighbors of the Deschutes Canyon Area (FANs) Winter Lecture Series: Eagles in Oregon: Watching Them Watch Us Watch Them Presented by Frank Isaacs, Oregon Eagle Foundation Oregon is fortunate to have abundant habitat for both bald and golden eagles. Frank Isaacs has studied both species for over thirty years. His program will compare…
BendFilm is hosting a screening of two independent films celebrating the Pacific Crest Trail and the 50thAnniversary of the Wilderness Act. Filmmakers will be in attendance! The headlining film, “Only the Essential”, is a truly independent documentary film by former Bend resident, Colin Arsiman. Arisman and friend Casey Gannon thru-hiked the Pacific Crest Trail with…
An introductory class given by OSU Master Gardeners™ on growing vegetables including climate, site selection, soil preparation, season extension, and how to grow the most common vegetables for the area.
Learn everything you need to know from OSU Master Gardeners™ about planning a successful vegetable garden in Central Oregon including climate issues, soil preparation, choosing seeds and other vegetable starts, for optimal growth and harvests. For more info: Page 32 in Winter-Spring catalogue 541-389-7275
Fledgling Fun: The Life Cycle of Birds 3:45-5:15 PM (3:45-4:15 pm: gathering & crafts; 4:15-5:15 pm: activities & presentation) March 9th: Cranes April 13th: Bird Migration May 11th: A Bird-Day Celebration ...(A celebration of what we have learned) Join Mary Yanalcanlin for an exploration of our local birds geared towards grades K-5 (though all ages are…
Leaving from Bend for conversations with legislators about laws on wages and working conditions and other priorities for our Oregon Strong Voice Coalition. Contact: Bruce Morris, Bruce Morris, coscjenter@gmail.
10:00 AM Monday mornings, Drake Park in Bend A birding and nature walk geared towards preschoolers but all ages are welcome. Exploration, singing, finger plays, observation, learning,'s all part of a fun-filled hour on Monday mornings at Drake Park. We meet near the middle of the park by the restrooms. Parent or responsible care-taker…
Oregon Climate is a statewide, grassroots campaign to put a price on pollution in Oregon. We have one overarching goal: to pass a carbon price and dividend for our state. This simple system will charge polluters and give the money directly back to each and every taxpayer. Join the Oregon Climate Action Hub in Bend,…
On Wednesday, March 11th, join Central Oregon LandWatch, Friends of Family Farmers, and High Desert Food and Farm Alliance for a FREE workshop. Come learn how the Oregon Legislature works and get engaged with your government. Learn about relevant food, farm and Land Use Bills that will be addressed by the 2015 Legislature and how…
In the second installment of its new High Desert Lecture Series, the Oregon Natural Desert Association on Wednesday, March 11 will welcome an adventurer who last summer completed the entire 800-mile Oregon Desert Trail. Join us for “Shane Von Schlemp and Through-Hiking the Oregon Desert Trail." Last summer, long-distance hiker Shane Von Schlemp became one of…
Join Energy Trust for the beginning of the 2015 Allies for Efficiency training series. The training will cover design and construction best practices for deep energy retrofit projects, including a case study on the Vestas building itself. Following the training, Energy Trust will host a catered reception, and Vestas staff will be available to provide…
SHP is an interactive six-month accreditation program that provides participants with the opportunity to develop the technical skills and knowledge required to design and build highperformance homes. Each two-day module integrates lecture and discussion, hands-on exercises and tours of certified homes. Module 2: Building Science Fundamentals This module provides an exploration of the fundamental laws…
Plan to attend this informative annual conference held on March 11, 2017 at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center in Redmond. Improve your knowledge and acquire new skills by taking courses taught by experts in a variety of subjects. There is something for everyone, from urban gardeners and hobby farmers to ranch and farm…
An introductory class on growing vegetables including climate, site selection, soil preparation, season extension, and crop selection given in Spanish by an OSU Master Gardener™. To register, please call: 541-548-6088
Presented by the Children’s Forest of Central Oregon partners, Discover Nature Days are free family events throughout Central Oregon that connect children and families to the wonder of nature. What’s all the BUZZ About? Meet and Greet the local buzzing, burrowing, and creeping bugs of our forests through science activities, stories, and games.
North American Association of Environmental Educators – Guidelines for Excellence Workshop What? A one-day workshop introducing participants to the National Project for Excellence in Environmental Education series via two modules: Non-formal Environmental Education Programs and Environmental Education Materials– Guidelines for Excellence. These Guidelines offer a set of recommendations for developing and administering high quality non-formal…
Redmond chapter meetings are held the third Wednesday of odd numbered months beginning January 21nd, 2015 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Contact the Redmond Chapter Representative:
Building a Better Bend announces its first lecture of 2015! The lecture is free and open to the public. Title: “Moving Beyond the Automobile: Multi-Modal Transportation Planning” Presenter: Chris Comeau, CTP, AICP, Transportation Planner for City of Bellingham, Washington Learn how Bellingham, Washington evolved from an auto-centric and roadway-based transportation planning program to one that…
. You know about honey bees and how they're in trouble, but their sidekicks, native wild pollinators, are also vital in pollinating our flowers, vegetables, fruit and nut trees. They need homes, too, because their natural habitat is disappearing. Join us for this bee block building workshop, everyone welcome. We'll provide blank wood pieces cut…
Climate change is changing the face of the natural world. As we prepare for these changes, we have a chance to renew our partnership with natural world to compliment wildlife and human efforts to restore rivers and the lands around them. Join hydrologist Suzanne Fouty for a look at the role beavers play in transforming landscapes…
What Does the Georgetown University Energy Prize Have to Do With Us? Bend has officially advanced to the Semifinal round of the national competition that is challenging communities across the U.S. to rethink their energy use. At a press event in Washington, D.C., Bend was announced as one of the 50 local communities who are leading…
This is one of Oregon Natural Desert Association's volunteer work trips! View the entire event calendar here. "Leks" are locations where groups of male sage-grouse return year after year to "strut their stuff" in the hopes of attracting a mate. To the human eye the lek sites really don't look all that different from the surrounding…
Are you looking for a way to show of your design skills while giving back to the community? Need a fun activity to do to celebrate Earth Day? If so you should consider applying to the Furniture Flip Design Challenge. Think HGTV’s “Flee Market Flip”! Individuals and pairs of designers will compete by redesigning 3 pieces of…
Please join us for the March COTA bimonthly meeting. It’s the season when COTA volunteers can plan for the coming spring work events. The next meeting is from 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. at the Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend, OR 97701. COTA bimonthly meetings are usually held the third Thursday of odd numbered…
Scheduled 9 times a year, 3rd Thursdays of month. Social gathering time is from 6:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Programs begin at 7:00 p.m. and usually last until 8:30 p.m. March 19: “Bird Friendly Native Landscaping." Birders Karen Theodore and Rick Martinson of WinterCreek Restoration will share identify native plants, and share tips about landscaping,…
Abbot Schindler, Bird Photography Bird photography is one of Abbott Schindler's many interests in the natural world, and he has been photographing nature for many years. In this century he’s worked to get “close and personal” to birds in particular (they’re generally safer than bison, moose, bear and elk, which he’s also gotten uncomfortably close…
What do sex, birth control, and education have to do with the environment and sustainability? Nick Stevenson from Deschutes County Public Health will discuss the relationships between sexual health and environmental health including how climate change, women’s rights, education, economic prosperity, community resilience, and research each play a role. Nick will also share promising solutions,…
Want to learn how to create a radio show and have some fun making it happen? KPOV will be holding our Youth Radio Camps again this Spring Break! The two camps will be held March 23-27 in the KPOV studio. The morning camp is for youth ages 10-12 and will be held from 9:00 a.m to Noon…
Put what you learned at our Policy 101 event into practice as we meet with representatives in Salem to discuss important legislation. Email to reserve your spot with LandWatch's contingent at the OLCV lobby day! More information to come.
**Please be sure to RSVP by March 19th! Join the Oregon Conservation Network and OLCV's Clean Green Lobby Machine for an important day at the State Capitol. Learn the ropes of the process, the politics, and then lobby your own legislators on important environmental issues. This session, we will advocate for bills that address climate change, conserve crucial habitat,…
Classes run Tuesday, March 24th - Friday, March 27th from 10am - 12pm. Cost is $13.50 for members, $15 for non-members Registration is required; call 541-593-4394. March 24th - Invertebrate Exploration: Life in a Pond (ages 4-10) March 25th - Reptibians: Wild World of Reptiles and Amphibians (ages 4-10) March 26th - Tracking the Wild Beast (ages 4-10)…
Come see the Snowy Owl Presentation at the Environmental Center! Join us Tuesday, March 24th for a lecture by Kelly Hazen on the natural history of snowy owls in Eastern Oregon. Tickets: $6 for non-members, $4 for SNCO members. All proceeds benefiting the Sunriver Nature Center. Reservations: Call the Sunriver Nature Center at 541.593.4394
On spring break? Join us in the garden anytime between 10am-4pm on Thursday 3/26 & Friday 3/27 to help get the garden in shape for the spring. We'll be adding soil to our new beds, prepping for spring construction projects, cleaning out fall yard debris, planning for spring plantings and more! Join us for an…
Join us at Green Drinks, the bi-monthly gathering to learn about local businesses and their sustainability efforts while enjoying an eco-conscious drink or two! This month's event will be held at Saginaw Sunset, a brand new Bend community built by Jim Guild Construction with some serious sustainability ambitions. The development is centrally located, allowing for easy walking and biking…
Environment Oregon is working to pass four bills this session that would bring 10 times more solar to Oregon. As part of this, they are holding a solar town hall meeting in Bend to give members of the community the opportunity to hear from solar companies, local elected officials, and solar advocates about the logistics of…
Join SOLVE and thousands of volunteers on March 24 as we clean up litter and marine debris from the entire Oregon coast! Since 1986, this home-grown tradition of twice-yearly beach cleanups has benefited people and wildlife alike, supporting clean seas and healthy communities. This is a family friendly event and SOLVE invites all Oregonians to participate.…
Come visit Bend's Maker's District to meet the makers, visit their spaces, and have a swell time while you're at it! Logistics are still getting figured out, but expect local brews, music, art, and community!
This is about educating state decision-makers in Salem on the importance of local agriculture and the need for policies that support farmers and ranchers in Oregon. Join fellow farmers, ranchers and food advocates from around the state to build power and show there are folks outside of corporate agribusiness lobbyists that have a stake in…
During the summit you will examine how our transportation investments, programs and plans can leave us all with clean, equitable solutions for the future of our planet and community. The summit will highlight the kinds of transportation decisions being made in the face of the climate crisis. The summit will highlight the change-makers and thought-leaders…
This year, Camp Fire is offering a fantastic selection of fun summer camps in Bend and Tumalo all summer long! At Camp Fire, we provide a friendly, inclusive, and diverse community of campers and staff. We're dedicated to making this summer a unique adventure for your child! Early Bird Registration will be available until March 31st.…
We know, Bend is already awesome, but why stop there? We believe this town is brimming with leaders, dreamers, artists, inventors, movers and shakers with ideas that can make Bend an even better place to live, work and play. As people who care about Bend, we are willing to put our money where our mouths…
Bend’s central westside is rapidly changing with new residential development, schools, and parks and an expanded Oregon State University - Cascades campus on the horizon. Attend the open house! Riverbend Community Room, Bend Park and Recreation District Office The City of Bend’s Central Westside Plan will identify a preferred land use and transportation strategy that supports…
Tuesday April 26, 5:30 – 7:30 The Gear Fix 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend We’re returning to The Gear Fix for our Spring Repair Cafe, and we’re excited to hold it in their new location! We’ll have volunteer fixers on hand to repair your broken items, for free! A Repair Cafe connects people with broken…
SHP is an interactive six-month accreditation program that provides participants with the opportunity to develop the technical skills and knowledge required to design and build highperformance homes. Each two-day module integrates lecture and discussion, hands-on exercises and tours of certified homes. Module 3: High Performance Building Envelopes Two day Module Friday & Saturday from 9-5pm…
What does affordable housing look like? Join us for the Housing Solutions Showcase as we team up with the American Institute of Architects to show Bendites how affordable and beautiful dense development can be. This gallery-style exhibit will be held downtown during First Friday from 5 to 8 p.m. on April 3 at a high-profile…
Are you interested in learning more about radio? Thinking about hosting a show on KPOV? Love music? Want to get involved in your community? KPOV's spring DJ class, coming up on April 4, might be the answer. The class will teach you the dos and don'ts of non-profit radio as well as giving you hands…
Explore honey bee culture through: - Applied honey bee biology - Anticipation not reaction - Honey bee colony management To register please email with your contact info and number of people. If you’ve tried to register or believe you’ve registered, please email the above address again to verify your registration. Class size is limited to 50…