Event Series Livable Future Forum

Livable Future Forum

Open Space Event Studios 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend, OR, United States

How do we meet our community's needs without compromising the environment and all that makes Central Oregon so incredible? Through our Livable Future Forum, we'll explore that question and more as LandWatch program directors chat with knowledgeable local leaders about land use and livability topics. From the fascinating life and times of mule deer to the reality of…

$10 – $25

Sorting Truth from Trash: A November Green Drinks on America Recycles Day.

The Environmental Center 16 NW Kansas Avenue, Bend, OR

In light of recent coverage of some of the deceptive practices behind "advanced plastics recycling" and plastics recycling in general, join the Rethink Waste Project and local expert panelists for Sorting Truth from Trash: The Realities of Recycling on America Recycles Day. We'll show a short film and presentation, then take a deep dive into…

OSU-Cascades Science Pub: Mapping War Zones via Satellite

OSU Cascades - Edward J. Ray Hall, Atrium 1500 SW Chandler Ave, Bend, OR, United States

Join Jamon Lee Van Den Hoek, Associate Professor in OSU's College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, for a guest lecture on mapping conflict zones with satellite at the November Science Pub. In war torn areas, physical damage can be immense and reporting of it inconsistent or worse, unreliable. Learn how Jamon Van Den Hoek…


Electric Vehicle Adoption Leadership (EVAL) Information Session

Are you an employer interested in bringing workplace charging to your organization? Join the Electric Vehicle Adoption Leadership (EVAL) Information Session to learn more about Forth's workplace charging certification program. The program provides recognition and technical assistance to organizations supporting the adoption of clean transportation. Forth will provide an overview of the EVAL Certification Program, share…

Groundwater Grief, River Relief: The Status and Future of Central Oregon’s Water Supplies

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 61980 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend, OR, United States

Central Oregon faces unique and evolving challenges in water use, driven by new state-imposed groundwater rules layered on top of complex and often arcane water rights allocations. Join moderator Emily Cureton Cook of OPB and a panel of water experts as they unpack the complexities of managing this precious resource in a region dealing with…

Winter Bird Walk with Think Wild

Hatfield Ponds McGrath Road 22395, Bend, Oregon, United States

Interested in learning more about bird migration and our feathered friends who overwinter here in Central Oregon? Join us for a morning winter bird walk led by our passionate youth volunteer and bird expert, Mason! We will learn to identify different Central Oregon bird species and discuss some of their winter adaptations and habits. Meet…


The Future of Mt. Bachelor

Wille Hall, Coats Campus Center, Central Oregon Community College, Bend 2600 Northwest College Way, Bend, OR, United States

There's snow in the mountains, so let's talk about Mt. Bachelor With Mt. Bachelor now officially up for sale, the future of our local resort is at a crossroads and you might be wondering how the sale could impact our beloved ski resort, our local economy, and the ski community. Join local and national experts for…