Climate Change, Plants, and Future Possibilities
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesLearn how native plants can help mitigate the effects of climate change. Christina Veverka, Botanist with the Deschutes National Forest, will explore the latest research from around the globe on climate change and the effects that scientists are seeing to native plant communities. Not all ‘doom and gloom,’ Christina will highlight current research on the…
OCA’s Regional Speaker Series
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesOregon for Climate Action (OCA) Presents: The Role of Innovation and Technology in an Increasingly Carbon-Constrained World. As an emerging hub for innovation, Central Oregon is ripe for creating technology solutions in response to the risks being caused by climate change that also help grow our economy. Join Bend-area speakers Rita Hansen of On-Board Dynamics…
Deadly Diesel in Our Air: Risks to Climate and Your Health
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesDiesel soot is everywhere. Its toxic particles are so small, they lodge in your lungs and create respiratory and health problems years later. Children breathe it on school buses. You breathe it when following a truck or bus. People and workers in neighborhoods undergoing construction breathe it. Throughout Oregon, concentrations of diesel particulate matter, the…
350Deschutes Volunteer Party
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesPast, present and "thinkin about it" volunteers are welcome. We'll have pizza and munchies, and beverages. (vegan, vegetarian, gluten free options) We'll celebrate our success and talk about the future. We'll honor our key volunteers and give you a preview of whats to come in 2020. You'll discover how you can be a part of…
Hearing for the Climate Bill
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesOur Legislative leaders have an opportunity to take action NOW on our climate crisis in 2020! Wealthy polluters and other special interests using their influence to prevent and water down bold climate action, and next Saturday we have a critical opportunity to weigh in and make our voices heard in Salem. We need your help…
Oregon Climate Emergency Day of Action
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesShow our strength by standing together. Send a message to state legislators and Governor Brown to stand up to the powerful oil industry and pass real climate action. Let's rally for a better climate future!
What Would You Do Without Winter: Snow Activism Tour
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesLauren MacCallum from Scotland and Josh Jespersen from Colorado are fighting the climate crisis in their own backyards, and we’re screening two films to share their stories with you, in the hope you’ll be inspired to take action too. After the film screenings, Patagonia ambassador Josh Dirksen and nonprofits Deschutes Land Trust and Protect Our…
The Role of Innovation and Technology in an Increasingly Carbon-Constrained World
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesJoin local Bend speakers for a conversation about creating economic opportunity in the era of climate change. As an emerging hub for innovation, Central Oregon is ripe for creating technology solutions in response to the risks being caused by climate change that also help grow our economy. Join Bend-area speakers Rita Hansen of On-Board Dynamics,…
Earth Hour 2020
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesHELP PLACE THE SPOTLIGHT ON NATURE - THE WORLD IS WATCHING. This Earth Hour, millions of people around the world will turn off their lights for one hour to show their steadfast commitment to protecting nature. Together we’ll speak up for wildlife and forests. We’ll show our support for rivers and oceans. And we’ll rally…
Pints & Politics Special Online Event
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend, OR, United StatesLet's Get Fired Up for the May Primary Election! Join Oregon League of Conservation Voters, and candidates and community members who care about protecting Oregon’s natural legacy, for Pints and Politics. Learn about OLCV's candidate and ballot measure endorsements and find out how you can help make this primary election a success for the environment…