COTA Redmond Chapter Bimonthly Meeting
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, BendRedmond chapter meetings are held the third Wednesday of odd numbered months beginning January 21nd, 2015 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Contact the Redmond Chapter Representative:
Moving Beyond the Automobile: Multi-Modal Transportation Planning
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, BendBuilding a Better Bend announces its first lecture of 2015! The lecture is free and open to the public. Title: “Moving Beyond the Automobile: Multi-Modal Transportation Planning” Presenter: Chris Comeau,…
Juniper Group Sierra Club Bee Block Workshop
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, Bend. You know about honey bees and how they're in trouble, but their sidekicks, native wild pollinators, are also vital in pollinating our flowers, vegetables, fruit and nut trees. They…
Beavers, Wolves, Fire and Logging— Preparing for climate change with new partners, new strategies
Deschutes Brewery Public House 1044 NW Bond St, BendClimate change is changing the face of the natural world. As we prepare for these changes, we have a chance to renew our partnership with natural world to compliment wildlife…