Congratulations Graduates!

Now, Go Green!
Have you ever considered what happens to a graduation gown after you’re done wearing it? Polyester gowns are made from PET, a petroleum based chemical compound that does not biodegrade.
Despite the accomplishment a cap and gown represents, over five million are discarded and eventually dumped into landfills each year. The impact this has on our environment can no longer be ignored.
The Environmental Center has partnered with Greener Grads to recover, reuse, and repurpose high school and college graduation gowns. Help be part of the solution by dropping off your gown(s) to The Environmental Center at 16 NW Kansas Avenue in downtown Bend. We’ll send them on to Greener Grads where they will go on to be used again or repurposed for another use!
Learn more about Greener Grads here.