Petal Painting: DIY Watercolor Paints

Do you have flowers in your garden or a special bouquet beginning to wilt and whither? Let’s give those beauties another life by creating our very own, low-waste watercolors! Take…

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Rethinking Waste – Music Festival Edition

Earlier this month, our team partnered with Mini 4 Peaks to Rethink Waste – music festival edition. In collaboration with festival organizers and vendors, we worked to eliminate single use…

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Making every day Earth Day

A few weeks ago, we celebrated Earth Day with a variety of activities for the public to enjoy and participate in, expanding their love for the Earth. How cool is…

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Microplastic Madness Local Panel Discussion

The Environmental Center and Bendfilm teamed up to bring you a panel discussion related to the film Microplastic Madness in honor of Earth Day 2021. The film Microplastic Madness is…

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Recycle your Holiday Tree

As our Deschutes County Knott Landfill continues to fill up (it is anticipated to be full by 2029), we want to do our best to keep what we can out…

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With EPS, energy performance is in the details

Welcome to your new energy efficient home

Guest post from Energy Trust of Oregon See the benefits of energy-efficient homes at this year’s virtual Central Oregon Green Tour. Energy experts and homeowners will give you the insider’s…

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