Youth Education during COVID-19

Greetings from the Youth Education Department! We truly miss going into classrooms and teaching our environmental and sustainability education programs around the Central Oregon region. Although our day-to-day “norm” is…

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Internship Opportunity: Spring Outdoor Days

The Environmental Center is looking for a high school or college student to help deliver outdoor programming in May and June! If you’re a student with any teaching experience, enthusiasm…

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Buckingham 4th Graders Visit Knott Landfill

(Pictured above: Our lovely Sustainability Educators having a little fun during the field trip!) Earlier this month, 4th grade students from Buckingham Elementary took a field trip to Knott Landfill.…

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New Youth Educator: Geneva Mayall

This August, we added a new member to our Youth Education team. Meet Geneva Mayall. She was born and raised in Central Oregon and graduated from Gonzaga University with a…

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Green Spotlight: Jose Saldivar

Let us introduce you to Jose Saldivar, a Strategic Energy Management (SEM) Intern who’s making a big difference in our local schools! In December 2018, Jose joined our team to…

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Sign Up for 2019-2020 Youth Education Programs

This blog post is especially geared toward our phenomenal educators in Central Oregon. Back to school, back to school! It’s time to sign up for FREE environmental education programs with…

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