ACTION ALERT: Final Push to Pass The Climate Friendly & Equitable Communities Rules

Update 6/21/22:
- Here is the web site of the Coalition for Climate Action that supports strong rules (The Environmental Center is a member).
- Here is an OPB article about the rules.
Add Your Name To The Letter of Support
Show your support, sign today.
It’s clear we need a new set of rules.
If Oregon continues with a business-as-usual approach to land use and transportation , we will miss crucial opportunities to make innovative changes that benefit both people and the planet. Transportation is the largest source of climate pollution in Oregon, and it is intimately connected to how we plan and grow communities. We see and feel the impacts of climate change already–now it’s time to act!
Don’t delay – the LCDC’s final hearing is Thursday, May 19th!
There are three ways to show your support for this critical set of rules.
- Sign this Letter of Support to show the LCDC that you are in favor of rules that enable climate-friendly and equitable communities. Join 1,200 and counting fellow Oregonians that have already signed on.
- Send an email voicing your support to the LCDC: Use the subject line: “CFEC Comment for LCDC”
- Speak directly to the Commission by submitting a public comment and/or participating in the virtual meeting on Thursday, May 19th
Learn More About The Climate Friendly & Equitable Communities Rules:
Please join us in urging Oregon’s Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) to fulfill their promise to “transform Oregon’s communities to be safe, equitable, sociable, and pleasant places where driving is not required, and the amount of driving is reduced.” The LCDC is still taking public comment on the Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) rules, which will reduce the climate impacts of how we live, work and travel every day.
These new rules will ensure that Oregon’s land use planning system meets the demands of the climate crisis. They will reduce the need to drive by making our communities more walkable, bikeable, and transit-friendly, while promoting more diverse and affordable housing options.
Read The Updated Summary Of Rules
Want to learn more about the CFEC?
- Learn more about the rules from our partner organization Central Oregon Landwatch here.
- You can also learn more from the Department of Land Conservation and Development here; the Department’s staff has been developing the proposed rules for the past year. Note: (LCDC is the oversight commission and rule-making entity for the department.)
*Note: this blog post is an updated version of the original, posted March 25, 2022 by TEC