MountainfIlm on Tour-Bend Goes all Virtual for 2022


Every year, we look forward to connecting with our Central Oregon community at Mountainfilm on Tour-Bend at the Tower Theater. This great event features stories of adventure, climate change, culture and resilience from around the world.

Given the current COVID-19 situation in Central Oregon, we’ve made the difficult decision to move our in-person event at the Tower Theatre to an all-virtual experience. 

This was a tough call to make. We so badly want to watch new films with our community–to laugh, cry and be inspired together. But this latest surge of COVID-19 is still going strong in Central Oregon. We need to prioritize the health and safety of our employees and their families, everyone who helps put on this event, and you, our community. We are especially concerned about not prolonging the heavy burden being carried by our local health care system–by the nurses and medical assistants, the doctors and first responders–that we all rely on to keep us healthy in times of need.   

So while we will not be together this year, please tune in for one or both of our virtual screenings of Mountainfilm on Tour:

Each virtual show features different films! Each show is also self-paced and can be accessed from any location at any time during the 4-day window. Gather your family and friends and have your own mini-film fest!

Please know that we remain committed to bringing you the unique Environmental Center events you love. We are very hopeful that we’ll be able to gather in person for Earth Day 2022 in April.

Thanks for supporting us by joining Mountainfilm on Tour-Bend virtually again this year — your support makes everything we do possible.

For those who already purchased a ticket through Tower Theatre: watch for an email from the Tower and then us in the next few days.