Free LEDs expanding to Prineville and Madras


We’re excited to announce that The Energy Challenge the Free LED Program to two new communities – Madras and Prineville!

Installs in Madras and Prineville will begin the last week in April, and will run for only five weeks, through May 24.

Make sure to reserve your spot today!

Sign up today and schedule your appointment:

Through this program, The Energy Challenge will install up to 16 LED bulbs in your home. We work with you to decide which are the most used lights in your home to give you the biggest bang for your buck. You can save over $100 on utility bills each year! Better yet, when we’re done, you won’t have to change them for 20 years. For even bigger savings, we can also install water-saving fixtures such as high-pressure, efficient shower heads.

This expansion to Madras and Prineville will be possible because The Environmental Center will be hosting another AmeriCorps NCCC team this spring! This will be the sixth AmeriCorps NCCC team to be hosted by The Environmental Center. The incoming team, Blue 5, is comprised of 12 service members. They were most recently serving in Puerto Rico doing disaster relief.  If we’ve learned anything, it’s that these teams are enthusiastic to work hard and as the AmeriCorps motto states: get things done.