Rethink Eclipse: 4 things you can do to help keep our community clean.

August 16, 2017//
Whatever your plans are for the upcoming eclipse, it’s inevitable that you’ll be joined by – or impacted by – a large number of people in our area. And with more people visiting our communities, more trash will be generated. So let’s be a little proactive as hordes of people hit our state, region, and towns! We have an ask out to our community: Pitch in. This could look different for everybody, so here are 4 ideas to Rethink Eclipse and Plan for Before and After:
- Pick up Litter on a Hike: On your street, in your park, on a trail, along the river. Go someplace, with a bag, and pick up trash. It’s going to happen, so let’s prepare for it. You can do your litter-free hike leading up to the eclipse, on Monday, an after everyone leaves. It will all be necessary in certain areas.
- Pack It In, Pack It Out: Heading to a campground, festival, or one of the many eclipse-related events in the area? Since you’re local, just plan to bring your trash home. There are only so many dumpsters and cans to go around, so why add to an overflowing can? Pack some black garbage bags for trash, clear ones for recycling, and green Bottle Drop bags for your bottle and can deposits. (And shop with this in mind.)
- Prevent Waste: Whatever your plans – emergency preparedness, camping, or festival style – leave the cases of water bottles at Costco and opt to fill up big jugs of water from home. Now is a great time to buy some if you don’t already have these in your camping gear bin.
- Share Resources: We have flyers clarifying what goes in recycling and what goes in our landfill, and this may be helpful to your neighbor, a stranger, or for a vacation rental or an event. Here is a link to our “Recycle This” & “Landfill This” flyers, with detailed images for home/office use, as well as our NEW event flyers with more simplified images for a public space or event. Print some out and post them where needed!
Are you still doing lightbulb replacement?
Hi Judy, yes one of The Environmental Center’s other programs, The Energy Challenge, is still doing LED replacements. Call (541)385-6908 x26 or visit to set up your appointment.