Recycle Right with Signs for Home or Office

September 2, 2015//
One of the resources we have available here on the Rethink Waste Project website are downloadable signs and bin labels for use in your home or office. Put them up in your home, kitchen at the office, your church, your vacation rental, whatever place you regularly go to that needs a little better signage.
- RECYCLE this sign covers what goes in your curbside recycling cart here in Deschutes County.
- COMPOST this sign covers what goes in your backyard compost or yard debris bin, available within Bend & Redmond city limits.
- TRASH this sign covers what should be landfilled (and not recycled) or avoided in the first place if possible.
Download these handy bin labels to print (and laminate if possible) and tape them up to your containers if they aren’t otherwise obvious.
Posted in Recycling, Waste (Rethink Waste)