NEW! Borrow Reusable Dishware for Low-Waste Events


It was a whirlwind, but your daughter’s birthday went smoother than expected, considering the fact that she’s 7 and so were most of the guests. She had a lot of friends, who all had lots of fun and lots of cake. Good for her, you think.


Then, you see the mountain of plastic forks and wax-coated paper plates and cups in the trash. Bad for the planet… but what were you supposed to do? Not let her have any cake? Not let her have guests? Have all twenty-five of them eat directly from the cake pan with their bare hands? You have silverware and plates at home, but not enough for twenty-five people.

The Environmental Center has a solution to the waste issue posed by birthdays, family reunions and barbecues: our Reusable Dishware Kit Loan Program! In our facility, we store three full kits, each with enough cups, utensils, plates, and bowls for 25 people. Renters may request all three kits if they are available, so a gathering of up to 75 people is no sweat! The dishes are durable, lightweight, dishwasher-safe, and available for you to check out! By using our program, you can easily eliminate single-use dishes and utensils from your events. 

Waste reduction isn’t the only good thing about the Dishware Kit Program… 

Saves Space

Apart from when they’re checked out and being used at your event, the kits are stored at the Environmental Center, so you do not need to find long-term storage for extra reusable dishes in your home.

Open to Everyone

Our Dishware Kits are available to anyone who has a use for them, as frequently and as numerous as needed; business or personal. Work parties, school events, personal celebrations or any other gatherings you can think of are great times to use these kits. If we have the kits, you can check them out for use!

Free of Charge

Last but certainly not least, besides the environment, the greatest impact these kits will make is on your wallet. Unless dishes or utensils are missing when the kit is returned, this program is entirely free to use. When compared to the five dollars here, ten dollars there that comes with buying single-use dishes and utensils, there’s no competition with our Reusable Dishware Kits.

So, how do you use these kits?

  1. Fill out the Dishware Loan Agreement form. Then, someone from the Environmental Center will contact you via email to coordinate your Kit pick-up and return.
  2. Pick up your Kit at the date and time agreed upon over email. Pick up is typically at the Environmental Center!
  3. Pre-Wash your Kit using a dishwasher or hand washing to ensure dishes are freshly clean for your event. Then, use them like any other non-disposable dish!
  4. Post-Wash your Kit, and make sure the kit is complete with 25 of each component– cups, plates, forks, etc.
  5. Return your Kit to the Environmental Center at the agreed upon date and time.

Reducing waste doesn’t happen all at once, and it certainly doesn’t happen if we continue doing what we’ve been doing. We must take action to reduce waste in our personal lives, in all parts of our personal lives. Doing so will have a ripple effect on others, inspiring friends, family, and the community to follow suit and make more sustainable choices.

So, the next time you’re hosting a bat-mitzvah, retirement party, or aprés-ski feast, take action by checking out a Reusable Dishware Kit from The Environmental Center.