It’s Almost GO Time!

Key Transportation Bond Investment Decisions Coming Soon—Make Your Voice Heard
Last fall, Bend voters approved a $190 million bond measure to improve our transportation system. The Environmental Center helped lead the campaign to pass the general obligation (GO) bond because it included over $60 million in investments in safety, walking, biking, and transit. Those investments are critical to ensuring our transportation system serves everyone, not just those who can afford a car, and reduces climate pollution from driving.
Over the next two months, a new citizen advisory committee will present its final recommendations to the city council about the prioritization and sequencing of bond projects. It’s now or never to make your voice heard and help ensure that safety, walking, biking, and transit are prioritized in their recommendation.
The Transportation Bond Oversight Committee (TBOC) holds a critical meeting next Tuesday, October 5. Your input is essential.
Our allies at Bend Bikes have done a great job summarizing the issues and we support their talking points for TBOC comments, particularly those related to giving the community time to review and provide feedback and a push for a more context-rich discussion that’s focused on how this plan aligns with the GO bond values of key routes for people who bike and walk, complete corridors, and east-west connectivity.
The ways in which our transportation systems are updated and supported have huge impacts on our day-to-day lives. It impacts your safety on the road as a biker or pedestrian. It impacts accessibility for low and middle income households, as well as seniors and those living with disabilities.
You should have a say in how, where, and when the $190 million is spent. So check out the Bend Bikes article to familiarize yourself with the investment options, and then email your comments to before the meeting.
Even better, attend the TBOC meeting on Tuesday, October 5, 2021 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and share your input during the public comment period.
Make your voice heard!