6 Tips for a Low-Waste Holiday Season

Create memories, not waste this holiday season! Check out these 6 tips for a low-waste holiday season. According to the EPA, American household waste increases by more than 25 percent…

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Should I Choose the Carton or the Jug?

So many choices… how do I make the best decision? Shopping in our modern supermarkets, there is a packaging decision in every aisle. We want to make the choice that…

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Preventing Food Waste with Roommates

When you’re living with roommates, you probably don’t get the option to store your food like this food storage guide suggests. In my house, we have five people and one…

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Use the WHOLE Bird!

Jacob Turkey Drawing

I don’t know about you, but my Thanksgiving plans were thwarted by Kate Brown’s newest COVID-prevention orders. My outdoor buffet-style gathering of 7 from 6 different households is no longer…

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