An Ode to Our Intern, Erika Cook

Erika worked with our Youth Education team from September 2020 through June 2021. She complemented our team by growing programs and developing lots of content during her time at TEC. We enjoyed truly Erika’s creativity, her dedication to a sustainable future for youth, and whimsical and spunky spirit. In the spirit of spunk and creativity, an ode to Erika!
Erika, the greatest intern of all time,
We want to appreciate you,
And will attempt to make it rhyme.
Your hard work and creativity are only a few traits
That made you stand out as one of the greats.
You endured the cold and the snow
During “Spring Break” and Winter Eco.
And with a smile on your face, you were always ready to go!
What a fun time its been to watch you grow,
From creating new lessons
And learning to how to “go with the flow.”
You taught us about space and astronomical objects,
And we can’t wait to see what’s in store for you next!
Maybe we will see you in Space?
On a rocket ship, in a classroom, the sky’s the limit!
But, please don’t forget to come back and visit.
You’ve gained skills that will take you far.
Thank you from your kooky friends from Youth Ed.
OH! And let’s not forget the shed!
Your organizational skills are supreme!
You were truly a blessing to our little team.
With gratitude from all of us at TEC!