Action Alert: Support Clean & Modern Transportation

The Oregon Legislature is currently considering HB 2017-3 to meet a wide range of transportation needs across the state. After a failed effort in 2015, and then many months of bipartisan effort this past year, this new “transportation package” bill is off to great start. But there is more work to be done to ensure it provides the modern transportation system and mix of services that Oregonians need and that protect our environment.
Learn more about the bill’s strengths and weaknesses from two of our partners:
– Oregon Environmental Council
– The Streets Trust
Legislators held hearings on the bill last week but they still need to hear from their constituents about this important issue. We encourage you to send an email to the bipartisan committee that developed the bill as well as our Central Oregon legislators today.
Tell your legislators that you support a robust transportation bill that ensures safe, affordable and healthy transportation options for everyone: walkers, cyclists, transit riders and drivers. Let them know it is especially important to increase investments in making walking, bicycling and transit safe and convenient. These investments benefit us all: workers of all income levels can get to their jobs, children can walk and bike safely to and from school, drivers face less congestion on the roads, and we all breathe less polluted air.
Also tell them that while the current transportation package is a great start, especially with its dedicated funding for transit statewide, it should be improved by:
- Increasing funding for safe routes to schools–for infrastructure investments within one mile of a school as well as for bike and pedestrian safety education for students, as in HB 3230.
- Providing more incentives for electric vehicles, as in HB 2704.
- Eliminating the 3% tax sales of new bicycles. Many bicycle riders already pay property taxes and many also own vehicles, for which they pay registration fees and gas taxes.
- Fund youth transit passes, as in HB 2693, to encourage youth to ride the bus and develop lifelong transit habits.
Send your email by Monday, June 19th! Send it to:
The Transportation Preservation and Modernization (JTPM) Committee
Rep. Knute Buehler (R-House District 53)
Rep. Gene Whisnant (R-House District 54)
Rep. Mike McLane (R-House District 55)
Rep. John Huffman (R-Hosue District 59)
Senator Tim Knopp (R-Senate District 27)
Sen. Dennis Linthicum (R-Senate District 28)
Sen. Ted Ferrioli (R-Senate District 30)